Monday, September 24

September Photo-A-Day-Challenge! (Part 1)

Happy September everyone!

My favourite season of the year SPRING is upon us! The start of a new month and the beginning of spring has inspired me to commit to my first 'Photo-A-Day Challenge' run through Priceline on Instagram.

I've decided to post it here on the blog too. I love reading these types of posts, so I though why not give it a go?! If you're doing a similar challenge now - set me up with your links. I would love to have a look!

Day 1: Beauty (I was invited to ABC 2012)

Day 2: Spring (My favourite time of the year)

Day 3: Self Portrait (self indulgent selfie time)

Day 4: Latest Buy (Beautifully light but very moisturising)

Day 5: Eyes (Puppy dog eyes)

Day 6: Wish List (The ever increasing list of lusts)

Day 7: My Friday (Springtime walks)

Day 8: Streetstyle (Night out!)

Day 9: Fun! (Michael Jackson impersonator)

Day 10: Friends! (Mad Men vintage themed birthday party)

What have you been loving in September?

Take care,



  1. Completely in love with the idea of a man men themed party!

    Would love you to check my blog out and maybe follow each other?

  2. Love all your photos! :) I really like the idea of these photo challenges but I'm usually too lazy or busy to get around to doing it. :P



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